If Everything Around You Seems Dark, Look Again, You May Be The Light

- Rumi

Mindfulness is an energy that we generate when we bring our mind back to our body and get in touch with what is going on in the present moment, within us and around us.

"Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven…."

- Jesus Christ

Meditate with Us

Whether you are a novice and want to try out a bit of meditation or are an experienced practitioner, Nihada Arana Meditation Centre offers support and practical guidance in your journey of Self-discovery.

Every quarter Nihada Arana Meditation Centre conducts a Retreat hosting the resident Venerable Sangha (Mendicant Monks), Volunteers and yogis in silent, intensive meditation practice along with Dhamma talks.

There are daily dhamma talks at the Meditation Centre throughout the entire retreat. These provide meditators with precise practical and theoretical instruction for Vipassana meditation practice. In addition, throughout the meditation retreats, Most Ven. Aluthgamgoda Gnanaweera Thero will guide your practice and help you take the next step on your journey.

Online or at Nihanda Arana

Mindfulness Living is an enjoyable and relaxing experience; you don’t need extra time.

Ven. Aluthgamgoda Gnanaweera Thero will guide your practice and help you take the next step on your journey, whether you want to join on-line or be present at Nihada Arana.

Dive In, Get Involved

Nihada Arana is completely dependent on the generosity of the lay community for basic requisites such as food, robes, shelter, medicine and the other administrative expenses of the Meditation Centre and the resident Venerable Sangha (Mendicant Monks) for their well-being.

Learn & Change the way of life

Unlock the ‘Dhamma Vault’, an Audio & Video collection offered by Nihada Arana Meditation Center available for free for anyone wanting to hear the practical approach of mindfulness, meditation and develop a deeper spiritual understanding.

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